This is a repost of the Chainlink announcment here

One of the main goals of the Chainlink Community Grant Program is to support our global developer community by making it easy to learn about, build, and impact the world with hybrid smart contracts and Chainlink oracles. The Chainlink Community Grant Program accelerates this initiative by financially supporting the creation of developer tooling needed to seamlessly create, test, and launch hybrid smart contracts into production, as well as funding the continued maintenance and updating of these developer repositories to ensure they remain functional and secure.
In pursuit of this goal, we actively support initiatives that simplify the experience of working with blockchain-based applications and assist developers in securing their Chainlinked smart contract application before deploying it to mainnet. Part of this means deploying resources to support the end-to-end infrastructure needed to properly test smart contracts in environments that mirror mainnet conditions as closely as possible, allowing developers to go into production with confidence after thoroughly testing their Chainlink integrations.
Chaos Labs was previously awarded a Chainlink Community Grant for the integration of Chainlink oracles within its isolated sandbox testing environment. To further our support for tools such as this, which help ensure the long-term sustainability of the smart contract ecosystem by enabling development teams to create high-fidelity agent- and scenario-based simulations on mainnet forks, we are excited to announce that Chaos Labs has been awarded a second Chainlink Community Grant to further enhance the initial implementation of its testing environment.
As part of the first grant, Chaos Labs created a real-world testing environment that enables developers to configure mock Chainlink oracle responses within an isolated sandbox environment using a CLI utility. With this second grant, Chaos Labs will create a seamless developer experience and workflow around oracle testing so that the tool requires minimal configuration, adding test suites is straightforward and effortless, and developers can instantly get familiar with the tool and start testing how their dApps react to different types of external data without extensive knowledge of the Chainlink architecture.
By reducing the complexity of testing smart contract applications powered by Chainlink, developers can save on development costs, reduce their go-to-market time, and stay competitive without compromising on the security of their protocol. Through the creation of a user interface for easy configuration and granular control over price feeds, oracle outputs, and usage flow, the smart contract ecosystem as a whole can benefit from a higher standard of application security.
“We’re delighted to have received another Chainlink Community Grant for enhancing the Chaos Labs cloud testing environment for Chainlink oracles, enabling developers to rapidly test Chainlinked smart contracts with an out-of-the-box solution,” stated Chaos Labs founder Omer Goldberg. “Expanding the accessibility of this testing environment contributes to a more robust security standard for the blockchain ecosystem, and empowers smart contract developers to focus on their core tasks without having to make compromises on security.”
Through the Chainlink Community Grants program, we look forward to continuing to empower Chainlink ecosystem teams, researchers, and social impact projects that are researching and building key tools and infrastructure that accelerate the development of hybrid smart contracts, secure oracle networks, and impactful technology that improves the world. We will continue supporting the community as a key driver of Chainlink’s rapid growth, because only together can we make universally connected hybrid smart contracts into the dominant form of digital agreement.
About the Chainlink Grant Program
If you want to learn more about the Grant Program, check out the Chainlink blog.