Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg

dYdX Chain: Concluding Season 2 Launch Incentive Analysis

Cover Image for dYdX Chain: Concluding Season 2 Launch Incentive Analysis
  1. Overview
  2. dYdX Chain Trading
    1. Platinum Trading League
    2. Gold Trading League
    3. Silver Trading League
    4. Bronze Trading League
  3. dYdX Chain Liquidity
  4. Funding Rates
  5. Liquidations
  6. TVL and Deposit Metrics
  7. Program Efficiency Metrics
    1. Daily and Weekly Active Traders
    2. Trader Engagement
    3. Weekly Trader Breakdown and Retention
    4. Summary


Chaos Labs is pleased to provide a comprehensive review of the second trading season on the dYdX Chain. This analysis encompasses all facets of exchange performance, emphasizing the impact of the Launch Incentive Program.

We are diligently fine-tuning the incentives, ensuring they effectively meet their intended goals. We aim to understand the rewards program's dynamics and outcomes by monitoring a broad spectrum of indicators.

Key Stats:

  • dYdX Chain has seen over $33 billion in trading volume across 39 live markets. This is an increase of 245% on season 1 volumes.
  • Over 3200 traders actively earn points through the launch incentive program. This is up over 41%.
  • Funding rates in most major markets have become more subdued, demonstrating market maturity.
  • The dYdX Chain has grown to approximately $57m USDC in TVL.

dYdX Chain Trading

There has been over $33bn in trading volume across the 39 live markets in season 2, up 245% on season 1. These volumes compare favorably to the $26bn on dYdX v3 over the period.

The launch incentive program’s focus on rewarding traders migrating their activity to the dYdX Chain early has had a significant effect as daily volumes have continued to trend higher.

dYdX Trading Volume Over Time

Equally impressive is the growth in open interest, which has grown 165% this season from $30m to $80m. This growth in open interest could result from traders putting more weight into trading performance to rank high in the four trading leagues.

dYdX Chain Open Interest and Trading Volume Over Time

And there have been some incredible trading performances in the leagues. The leagues are intended to motivate traders to invest their time and energy into improving their trading performance. This leads to them gaining more enjoyment and utility from the dYdX Chain. Below we provide trading league overviews:

Platinum Trading League

Platinum Trading League Overview

Gold Trading League

Gold Trading League Overview

Silver Trading League

Silver Trading League Overview

Bronze Trading League

Bronze Trading League Overview

Since inception, traders have paid almost $7m in fees to stakers securing the dYdX Chain. $5.4m of this came in season 2 of the launch incentive program.

Trading Fees Over Time

dYdX Chain Liquidity

Liquidity in the majors, as measured by median liquidity within 100bps, has improved significantly over season 2. In long-tail assets, order book liquidity is becoming more varied by the market, perhaps shifting to where it is most in demand.

Comparative dYdX Chain Liquidity

Funding Rates

Average funding rates in most major markets have reduced over season 2. Surges in funding rates still occur, but the mean-reversion characteristic of the funding rates is getting much more substantial, indicating healthier, more mature markets.

dYdX Chain Funding Rate Analysis


A total of $23.7m in liquidation volume occurred during season 2 of the Launch Incentive Program. This is much lower than during season 1 when normalized for average volumes and open interest.

Lower market volatility and more responsible traders targeting trading league performance are the likely significant contributors.

These liquidations added approximately $240k to the insurance fund, now at $1.58m.

dYdX Chain Liquidation Visualizations

TVL and Deposit Metrics

USDC deposits continue to grow, providing a potential leading indicator to further growth in trading volumes.

Approximately 57m USDC is currently deposited on the dYdX Chain, up from 30m USDC at the start of the season.

Much room remains to grow towards the approximately $300m TVL in dYdX v3.

Program Efficiency Metrics

Much of the above analysis focuses on aggregate metrics, which few traders can influence. Our analysis of the program also encompasses a bottom-up assessment of the impact it has in growing the number of active traders.

This section provides a deep dive into trader-level metrics to highlight the program's impact across various dimensions. This, in turn, forms the basis for the long-term projections around the program’s impact and efficiency.

Daily and Weekly Active Traders

The number of weekly active traders has grown to over 1600 last week. After an initial volatility-driven slowdown in weekly active traders, we have seen a recent surge despite only a moderate uptick in volatility.

Growing the number of average daily and weekly active traders on dYdX is a guiding principle of the Launch Incentive Program, and significant care is taken to ensure that the incentives appeal to a diverse segment of traders.

Daily and Weekly Active Traders
Active Traders compared to Average Weekly Volatility Over Time
  • Weekly active traders are those who make at least one trade a week.
  • Volatility is measured as the variance of minute-by-minute log returns of BTC. This short time frame accurately measures the volatility experienced by dYdX Chain traders in its largest market better than the traditional daily volatility.

Trader Engagement

Trader engagement is defined as how frequently the active user interacts with the dYdX Chain. This is analyzed across a few dimensions. The ratio of average daily active users to weekly active users broadly signals what portion of weekly active traders make a trade on a given day in the week. When this ratio is high, more traders find value in the product and return for this utility.

From a Launch Incentive Program perspective, the incentives should appeal to traders who are likely to become more regular traders and, therefore, likely to be stickier over the long term.

This ratio has remained steady between 38% and 45% since early season 1, tracking volatility closely. The relatively high level for an exchange indicates that a sizable segment of users are finding value and sticking around to use the dYdX Chain for their trading.

Weekly DAU/WAU Ration

Another measure analyzed is the number of days traders have been active during season 2.

This long-tailed distribution is typical of trading exchanges. We take encouragement that only 21% of traders traded on a single day and 15% on two days. Most traders are trying out the dYdX Chain over multiple days, potentially aspiring to score well in one of the trading leagues.

Data on the number of days each trader has been active in season 2 drops off quickly from 1 day to 7 days before flattening out significantly. 13% of traders have traded on at least half the days this season. 44% have traded at least five times.

There have been 38 traders active every day this season so far. 325 traders, making up over 10% of the total, have been active on at least half the trading days in season 2.

Number of Days Active in Season 2

Weekly Trader Breakdown and Retention

Impressively, there continue to be new traders onboarding to the dYdX Chain over 12 weeks into the Launch Incentives Program. Between 200 and 400 new traders enter the ecosystem each week, and growing this segment further will be a focus in season 3.

The nature of a trading exchange makes retention metrics challenging, as there can be cases of traders missing a week but remaining loyal users. To avoid mismeasurement of these traders as a churn (as one would in a SaaS business, for example) while retaining granular measurement of weekly behavioral trends, we separate retained traders (traded in the previous and current week) and returned traders (traded in at least one week before the previous, and the current week). This highlights the compounding nature of growing these engaged users as the base grows due to their relatively lower churn than newer traders.

Weekly Trade Breakdown
Weekly Retention Rate

The marginal weekly trader retention rate shows how likely it is for a trader who has traded for a certain number of weeks to trade for one more. This is a slightly different methodology from the retention rate above, as returning traders are treated the same as retained traders, hence the higher retention numbers.

What is apparent is how much better traders retain the more weeks they have been active. The goal is to get a trader active for at least six weeks, as the data suggests traders are incredibly sticky.

This also quantitatively represents what the Launch Incentive Program intends to achieve. Bring traders on board who come from the rewards but end up staying for the utility of the dYdX Chain.

Marginal Weekly Trader Retention Rate


Many aspects have contributed to the growth of the dYdX Chain since the Launch Incentive Program began. Attributing growth to specific

  • Stakers have earned over $5.4m in fees during season 2; the program will pay out $5m in rewards.
  • Traders who trade for six weeks or more retain at over 90%. The impact of trader acquisition from the rewards will be felt long after the program ends.
  • Over 4300 traders have used the dYdX Chain since the beginning of season 1.

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Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for dYdX Chain: End of Season 1 Launch Incentive Analysis

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for GMX V2 Risk Portal Product Launch

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for crvUSD Risk Monitoring And Alerting Platform

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Risk Portal 2.0 Launch

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Partners with Nexus Mutual for Economic Security and Risk Optimization

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Radiant Risk Monitoring and Alerting Platform

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Venus Risk Monitoring and Alerting Platform

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Compound Multi Chain Risk Monitoring Hub

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for dYdX Risk Parameter Recommendation Portal

dYdX Risk Parameter Recommendation Portal

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Partners with TapiocaDAO for Risk Management and Optimization

Chaos Labs Partners with TapiocaDAO for Risk Management and Optimization

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Launches the Aave Asset Listing Portal to Streamline New Collateral Onboarding

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for GMX GLP Risk Hub: A Public Derivative Risk Monitoring and Analytics Platform

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Uniswap V3 TWAP: Assessing TWAP Market  Risk

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Partners with Compound for Cross-Chain Risk Analytics Grant

Chaos Labs Partners with Compound for Cross-Chain Risk Analytics Grant

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Risk Dashboard Launches Live Alerts for Real-Time Risk Management

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs USDC Depeg - War Room Summary

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Launches the BENQI Parameter Recommendations Platform

Chaos Labs Launches the BENQI Parameter Recommendations Platform

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Introducing the GHO Risk Monitoring Dashboard by Chaos Labs

Introducing the GHO Risk Monitoring Dashboard by Chaos Labs

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Raises $20M in Seed Funding to Automate On-Chain Risk Optimization

Chaos Labs Raises $20M in Seed Funding to Automate On-Chain Risk Optimization

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for AAVE v3 Collateral At Risk Dashboard Expands Deployments Support to Ethereum v3

AAVE v3 Collateral At Risk Dashboard Expands Deployments Support to Ethereum v3

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Unveils Parameter Recommendation Platform.

Chaos Labs Unveils Parameter Recommendation Platform.

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Selected by Uniswap Foundation for TWAP Oracle Research Grant

Chaos Labs Selected by Uniswap Foundation for TWAP Oracle Research Grant

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Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs & Hathor Nodes launch platform to optimize Osmosis incentive distribution

Chaos Labs & Hathor Nodes launch platform to optimize Osmosis incentive distribution

Funded by the Osmosis Grants Program, the pair launches an open-sourced incentives model and community dashboards.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs receives a Uniswap Foundation grant for LP strategies for V3

Chaos Labs receives a Uniswap Foundation grant for LP strategies for V3

Chaos Labs has been awarded a grant from the Uniswap Foundation to test and simulate sophisticated LP strategies.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs helps navigate DeFi volatility with an expanded Aave V2 risk partnership

Chaos Labs helps navigate DeFi volatility with an expanded Aave V2 risk partnership

Chaos Labs announces further collaboration with Aave to include Aave V2 risk coverage.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Osmosis Liquidity Incentives Portal Update

Chaos Labs Osmosis Liquidity Incentives Portal Update

An update on the Osmosis Liquidity Incentives Portal collaboration with Hathor Nodes.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Launches Benqi Risk Dashboard

Chaos Labs Launches Benqi Risk Dashboard

Chaos Labs is launching the Benqi Risk Dashboard, utilizing real-time user metrics to understand the value at risk across volatile markets as well as yield earned and paid over time.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Asset Protection Tool

Chaos Labs Asset Protection Tool

Chaos is unveiling a new tool to measure price manipulation risk and protect against it. Introducing the Chaos Labs Asset Protection Tool

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Joins AAVE as Full-Time Contributor

Chaos Labs Joins AAVE as Full-Time Contributor

After a successful governance vote, Chaos Labs is joining Aave as a full-time contributor to focus on risk management and parameter recommendations for all Aave v3 markets.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Receives Osmosis Grant

Chaos Labs Receives Osmosis Grant

Chaos Labs has received a grant from the Osmosis Grants Program and will partner with Hathor Nodes on optimizing the Osmosis incentives program.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs <> Benqi veQI Calculator

Chaos Labs <> Benqi veQI Calculator

Chaos Labs, a cloud security platform for DeFi applications, announces the launch of the Benqi veQI calculator.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Maker Simulation Series: Auction Price Curve & Keeper Gas Strategies (Pt. 4)

Maker Simulation Series: Auction Price Curve & Keeper Gas Strategies (Pt. 4)

Chaos Labs, a cloud-based simulation platform for smart contract applications, has collaborated with Maker to model and simulate how Keepers with competing gas strategies impact the Auction Price Curve for liquidations.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Benqi veQI Economic Analysis

Benqi veQI Economic Analysis

Diving deep into Benqi's veQI tokenomics and utility.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Maker Simulation Series: Peg Stability Module (Pt. 3)

Maker Simulation Series: Peg Stability Module (Pt. 3)

Chaos Labs, a cloud-based simulation platform for smart contract applications, has collaborated with Maker to model PSM simulations.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs launches AAVE v3 Risk Bot

Chaos Labs launches AAVE v3 Risk Bot

The AAVE v3 Risk bot will provide monitoring, notifications and daily summaries for risk related activity across all v3 deployments.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Maker Simulation Series: Flapper Surplus Dai Auctions (Pt. 2)

Maker Simulation Series: Flapper Surplus Dai Auctions (Pt. 2)

Chaos Labs, a cloud-based simulation platform for smart contract applications, has collaborated with Maker to model and simulate Flapper Surplus DAI auctions.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Launches AAVE v3 Risk Application

Chaos Labs Launches AAVE v3 Risk Application

Chaos Labs, a cloud security platform for DeFi applications, has launched an AAVE v3 collateral at risk and real-time user metrics dashboard.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Maker Simulation Series: Flipper Black Thursday (Pt. 1)

Maker Simulation Series: Flipper Black Thursday (Pt. 1)

Chaos Labs, a cloud-based simulation platform for smart contract applications, has collaborated with Maker to model and simulate Flip Auctions, liquidations and auctions.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for AAVE Simulation Series: stETH:ETH Depeg (Pt. 0)

AAVE Simulation Series: stETH:ETH Depeg (Pt. 0)

A simulation series focused on economic security for the AAVE protocol. Let's examine the effect of a stETH:ETH depeg.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Maker Simulation Series: Introduction (Pt. 0)

Maker Simulation Series: Introduction (Pt. 0)

Chaos Labs, a cloud-based simulation platform for smart contract applications, has collaborated with Maker to model and simulate liquidations and auction mechanisms.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Dives Deep Into AAVE v3 Data Validity

Chaos Labs Dives Deep Into AAVE v3 Data Validity

Chaos Labs, a cloud security platform for DeFi applications, has discovered

Ron Lev
Ron Lev
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Collaborates with Benqi For Liquid Staking Analytics

Chaos Labs Collaborates with Benqi For Liquid Staking Analytics

Chaos Labs, a cloud security platform for DeFi applications, announces a partnership with Benqi to support Liquid Staking on the Avalanche network.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Receives AAVE Grant

Chaos Labs Receives AAVE Grant

Chaos Labs, a cloud security platform for DeFi applications, has been awarded an AAVE Grant to build a collateral at risk and real-time user metrics dashboard.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Pushing Economic Security Boundaries with MakerDAO Pt. 2

Pushing Economic Security Boundaries with MakerDAO Pt. 2

Chaos Labs, a cloud security and testing platform for smart contract applications, has created a cloud platform for Maker to test their liquidation and auction mechanisms.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Open Source Uniswap v3 TWAP Hardhat Plugin

Chaos Labs Open Source Uniswap v3 TWAP Hardhat Plugin

Chaos Labs, a cloud security platform for DeFi applications, has open source a utility package for interfacing with Uniswap v3.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Uniswap V3 TWAP Oracle Deep Dive - Pt. 2

Uniswap V3 TWAP Oracle Deep Dive - Pt. 2

An in depth look at Uniswap v3 TWAP architecture and usage in development.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for dYdX Maker Liquidity Rewards Distribution Report

dYdX Maker Liquidity Rewards Distribution Report

Chaos Labs releases the dYdX Market Maker Liquidity Rewards Distribution Report.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Receives Chainlink Grant to build Terra Oracle Infrastructure

Chaos Labs Receives Chainlink Grant to build Terra Oracle Infrastructure

Chaos Labs, a cloud security platform for DeFi applications, has been awarded a Chainlink Grant to build tooling and infrastructure for Terra Oracles.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs releases the dYdX Perpetual Funding Rate App

Chaos Labs releases the dYdX Perpetual Funding Rate App

Chaos Labs releases the dYdX Perpetual Funding Rate application for the dYdX ecosystem.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Open Sources Chainlink Price Feed NPM Module

Chaos Labs Open Sources Chainlink Price Feed NPM Module

Chaos Labs, a cloud security platform for DeFi applications, has open source a utility package for interfacing with Chainlink price feeds.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Open Sources dYdX Trading CLI

Chaos Labs Open Sources dYdX Trading CLI

Chaos Labs, a cloud security platform for DeFi applications, has open sourced a trading tool for the dYdX ecosystem.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Pushing Economic Security Boundaries with MakerDAO

Pushing Economic Security Boundaries with MakerDAO

Chaos Labs, a cloud security and testing platform for smart contract applications, has created a cloud platform for Maker to test their liquidation and auction mechanisms.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Uniswap v3 TWAP Oracle Tooling and Deep Dive Pt. 1

Uniswap v3 TWAP Oracle Tooling and Deep Dive Pt. 1

Chaos Labs, a cloud security platform for DeFi applications, has released open source tooling for developing with Uniswap v3 TWAP Oracles.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Receives dYdX Grant

Chaos Labs Receives dYdX Grant

Chaos Labs, a cloud security platform for DeFi applications, has been awarded a dYdX Grant to build analytics and tooling for the dYdX ecosystem.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Receives Uniswap Grant

Chaos Labs Receives Uniswap Grant

Chaos Labs, a cloud security platform for DeFi applications, has been awarded a Uniswap Grant to build tooling for Uniswap v3 TWAP Oracles.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Adds Chainlink Oracle Cloud Integrations

Chaos Labs Adds Chainlink Oracle Cloud Integrations

Chaos Labs receives grant to enhance Chainlink Oracle Cloud Testing Environment.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs joins Maker SES

Chaos Labs joins Maker SES

Chaos Labs, a cloud security and testing platform for smart contract applications, has recently joined the SES incubation program.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Receives Chainlink Grant

Chaos Labs Receives Chainlink Grant

Chaos Labs, a cloud security platform for DeFi applications, has been awarded a Chainlink Grant.

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg
Cover Image for Chaos Labs Mission Statement

Chaos Labs Mission Statement

Chaos Labs is a cloud security and testing platform for smart contract applications. Mission statement coming soon 🎉 🥳

Omer Goldberg
Omer Goldberg